Thursday 29 October 2015

Mindmap for my idea

For this lesson we had to chose one of one of Queen Elizabeth 1 ladies in waiting, and create a contemporary one, and make story up of what she has done and who she married, and what sort of person she is.

  • I chose  Elizabeth Brydges, who married Sir John Kennedy, but it didn't end well as it was rumored he was already married.But she did become the second most powerful women eventually.

She was born in 1574, daughter of Giles Brydges, who was a rich baron. She did get the attention from Robert Devereux, that was the queen's favourite. 

For the design of her, i was thinking a powerful colour to show how she was and the emotion that she went through. The pose would be important, like looking straight into the camera, or showing a powerful pose, that you mean business and want to protect the queen and herself.

Taylor Momsen appears in a new photo shoot for this month’s FHM MagazineTaylor Momsen for FHM magazine in March 2012, photographed by Zoe McConnell.

Red or Dark Green, that would show wealth, as it is the colour that reminds you of money. Just colours that stand out of showing power and authority.

For the make up a spiky texture or just very striking, like lightening or thunder effect.The hair i had a idea of a mohawk style, but the hair curled over into the middle, like massive pin curls rolled over in the centre part of the head, maybe going all the way over the forehead.

With the hair i want to make it bigger and make a big impact on the viewer, i like the smoothed down curls, which reminds me of the 20s style, but i could make the curls bigger and roll over more. It is a gothic look, but i dont want to go to far in that direction, otherwise it would be to cliche.

extreme hair!: This gives me inspiration and shows a good idea, of what i wanted to to do the hair anyway, but not as intricate and as many, I also wanted the hair to roll over into the hair, instead of up like this. They do remind me of bubbles though, which i think 
is interesting, but not something i want to include, because that seems child like.

I'm looking at what she would wear as well, such as i like the red colour idea, as it brings out her powerful side and how she would feel.

I like the look of Lydia's wedding dress in Beetlejuice, although it is very 80s and kind of over the top and not that nice,the colour is bright red, but also the gothic side, which i think would be a good starting point and it really focuses on that, which is why i think it works.

Interesting information about ladies in waiting in Elizabethan era:

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