Saturday 10 October 2015

Marie Claire Magazine Article

A series of images i found in the recent magazine Marie Claire November/2015 and it is photographs by Steven Klein and the Nars cosmetics creator Francois Nars and this is a collaboration they have done together.

I like the surreal,fantasy make up, that is feminine, but the photography is so abstract.

I love the special effects make up with the fashion photography, it makes it stand out and somehow they all remind me of water, because of the make up, they look like sea creatures.

The woman with the robot men, make me think of her as a mannequin, her make up and skin is so pale and like porcelain. 

I love the bright make up with the pale and dark fashion,as it makes the whole thing stand out and gives a certain edge to it, that i haven't seen done before.

Im not sure about this, as the woman is naked and it doesn't seem elegant to me and doesn't really make sense.

But i do like the other woman who looks like she is in surgery gown or doctors uniform, and very contemporary, as it is inspired by botox and surgery,as botox is more a modern thing.

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