Tuesday 27 October 2015

Renaissance videos and Paintings/Images

A video on you tube that has music and architecture from 16th century renaissance in different countries. I like how the music can inspire even a idea and to get in a mind set of what would work, when making a design for makeup and hair, as it shows a lot of art and famous people at that time.


Superheroes and sci-fi characters given a 16th century makeover

A video about if superhero were in the 16th century and what they would look like. I thought it would be good to include this, as i thought it would be interesting way of thinking, when researching different things for the Elizabethan era. The is various sites were they have done this, with all the images on them.


Available on: http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/chay232003-1926469-music-renaissance/

Available on: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/culturepicturegalleries/11240369/Superheroes-and-sci-fi-stars-given-16th-century-makeover-by-Sacha-Goldberger.html?frame=3111205

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