Saturday 3 October 2015

Deborah Turbeville-The fashion Pictures


Available in library: Deborah Turbeville: The Fashion Pictures Turbeville, Deborah (Photographer)/ Hal

Deborah Turbeville is  a photographer, who use to be a fashion editor, whose work looks blurry as though she has used something to cover the lens, like a veil, or cloth. The images themselves are classy, feminine, elegant and different.  What she uses to do the photographs is are film and show fashion photography in a new light, as it is very artistic as well.

The reason i have looked at this is that it inspired me, because it reminded me of Elizabethan with all the dresses and the plain white make up and the way the model and the atmosphere was staged, expecially where she specfically took the photographs, the buildings and the gardens.

© Deborah Turbeville

The black and white of the images make it look romantic and especially how the models are staged in certain positions that show that.

The photographs tell a story more than anything, and look different than what you would think fashion photography is, instead of just standing there showing the clothing or anything she is trying to show you, but make you think and wonder what the emotion is.

The close up photographs, i like as you can see the precision of the makeup and it is very over the top, but the white powder, lips remind of Elizabethan as well, as they used a lot of make up.

The black and white makes it stand out and if it was in colour would ruin it, from somehow from what it has achieved and makes you think again, of what emotion is going on.

Later on in life  she photographed for designers, such as Valentino,

Traviata by Deborah Turbeville 06
This one reminds me of Elizabethan, but the atmosphere, reminds me of the 1920s as well as, I like her late work as well as, because it has old fashioned feel to it, but very contemporary to.

These are very elegant and feminine, which has a feel from her old film work that she done from the 70s and earlier, but the models with the rough background behind them, make them stand out even more.

But it does have a a greek look to it, with the shoes and the plaited hair, which also they done in the renaissance period, which this look relates to more.

Short video of a shoot she done for Vogue Italia in 2010. I added it as it really reminds me of Elizabethan hair, but in a more contemporary style, as the clothes were. Where the model was photographed, even the makeup looked that way. But the way she staged it was that the model, looked relaxed and even provocative in a way, which they would not have done in the sixteenth century.

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