Thursday 12 November 2015

Crumbling, dripping Textures for Inspiration

For my design i have looked at textures to show the characters wealth is coming off and wanted to be inspired by these cracking and dripping texture, that i want to think about experimenting more with. I like this one, but i think it is to much, i would not want it really thick.

I like this more, as it is rain, it is like a rain texture and looks like dots, which is what i would look at doing on the face, with green makeup.

This is dripping wax, but shows a good texture for my design i want, but i don't like the colour, as it is quite bright. It does remind me of water though and how there is a lot of waves,

A more rust than what i want, but i like how it is crumbling, but dotted around in certain places, where the paint is chipping off. It makes me think of ideas of dabbing the make up on or dripping to make it look like the wealth is going.

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