Monday 12 October 2015

Macbeth 2015 Film

I saw Macbeth and i thought the portrayal and costumes and makeup was brilliant and really fitted the movie perfectly. What was good about it, was that the characters really changed through out the movie, after Macbeth murdered Duncan, the costumes and especially make up changed, as Macbeth looked unwell and dirty, with the black under the eyes and how tired he looked as well. As for Lady Macbeth she looked just tired, but her face seem to not have any makeup towards the end, and she began to look older then.

Overall the make up really showed the emotions and what they went through, which was great, so then the audience can see that. As this was medieval time, i thought it would be great to include it on this, as it is interesting and kind of gives you a over view of what it looked like and really makes you feel emotions, of what they are going through.

He looked like a good leader and fighter, before he done anything really bad, even though he had killed people before, but was different when it was someone who didn't deserve it, just to get what he wanted.

The make up really suggests that he would fight for what he believes in and not afraid to be who he wants to be. I like how it makes him look so scary, but reminds me of medieval times a lot, especially looks like the vikings era.

When looking at Lady Macbeth, i thought she looked so good, and especially with all the plaits in her hair, which does kind of remind me of Elizabethan hair and how it was put up and the way it was elegant and intricate at the same time,
but she didn't need loads of make up to give the point across, except for this image, with the blue, which reminds me of tribal paint and i think, as though it was trying to be calming, as it is a calm colour and trying to show the audience she was trying to make better of the situation, and show a compassionate side.

You can see the rawness and tiredness around the eyes and that he looks as though he gone mad, with regret. There is not much makeup, but i like the look of red and rawness around the eyes, as it looks kind of manic, with no sleep and would like to look at that, as I'm interested in some slightly scary or strange makeup that really shows the emotion.

The way i have layed out the images is that i have shown how they looked at the beginning and what would happen to them gradually towards the end, both of the main characters, even though some of the others did, with anger and sadness, but i thought i would just show these two, as they changed the most and how the make up and them grew differently the most.

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