Tuesday 27 October 2015

National Portrait Gallery

Yesterday i went to London and looked at the National Portrait gallery, there was a series of paintings there of Queen Elizabeth 1 and many others, but i focused on the Tudor ones. I thought they were really interesting with so much detail close up. The other i thought wasn't so good close up was the Anne Boyeln portrait, i love the painting, but up close i don't think it looked as good.

This was a painting of Queen Elizabeth 1 and the year was 1533-1603. The artist is unknown, but i like this painting, as it shows her looking very much in authority and with how young she looks, but when they were painted she did not pose for them, they used templates over and over again on most of her portraits.The clothing is amazing and really shows the upper class and how much she loved clothes and colour.


Queen Elizabeth 1, painted by unknown English artist. in the year 1533-1603 and shows her looking very handsome, but it does show that the portrait was not done by life, but done for what the queen would have looked like in her early years of reign. I like how she looks masculine, with the clothes, which does show her in authority again, which is what she wanted to do, but still look like she can be compassionate, where is looks like she is slightly forming a smile.

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