Monday 19 October 2015

Contemporary portrait that suggests wealth through the objects that surround the sitter and the background

In this image i think it shows wealth in the accessories that she has on and the way she is posed, like she knows what she is doing. The hair is hair and a red colour, which does remind me of that, but a more contemporary style, which the pale face and red lips, brings me back to it again. The clothing seems more masculine, which shows her looking like she means business. Her hands are introduced in the image, which is like the Elizabethan portraits, where she is holding her jacket, that makes me think that she is trying to make a statement with the bold red clothes, and is holding it, as if to say look at this.

Both images in Elle Magazine, November 2015 issue and they are advertisements, but i thought they showed the best pose and symbolism

The other image i have chosen reminds me of Elizabethan with the clothing, as it is a dress and has a ruffle type material on the front, also the hair,as it is curly and put right back off of her forehead. The wealth is symbolised in the expensive jewely she is wearing, which are the bracelets. Her hand is put in it to show the accessories, but doing that remind me of Queen Elizabeth 1 portraits, where she always had her hands in it, but a modern way of doing it, especially the pose, where she is standing side on, with her head tilted to one side, looking at the camera.

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