Friday 9 October 2015

Contemporary Elizabethan Inspiration

When i looked at this makeup i thought that the makeup was inspiration and made me think of Elizabethan, with the pale face and it being very plain from the lips downwards, but the eyes stood out to me, especially the eyebrows, as i like gold a lot and it used on eyebrows i like more, cause they do look blocked out and remind me of that era one again. The dark red/brown makes me think of what they would use on their cheeks and lips to make them bright and especially the consistency of it.

Inspired by - Editorial. #Editorial #Makeup #Eyes #Lips #BabyBlue #BlueEyebrows #Eyebrows #Freckles:
The reason i chose to look at this is, because of the blocked out eyebrows making the forehead look bigger and stand out against the plain makeup, as it is blue. Then into the hair, which is far back and shows a plait down both sides.

It does remind me of Elizabethan, but modern, as though they had a slight inspiration from that.

The thing that is inspired by here is the white make up and the contrast of black into it, which is a modern take on it. The eyebrows to me look strange, because they are so black, they are sequins, which give a 3D look to them, but do make the forehead look high.

I like how it has a grunge look about it and making fantasy, which is what i like in make up. What i don't like is the sequins for eyebrows, as it does look strange and cheap looking, as you can see them stuck on, i would have liked to see them blocked out, with just a black lip, as to me it looks over the top.

The hair is interesting and is like the colour Elizabethan women had, but this has slight bright oranges and light pink tone, which make it stand out even more. The rouge for the cheek is very bright and over the top, which was what they liked and showed the cheek bone, and made it more prominent.

The eye shadow may be to much and to bright to be Elizabethan inspired, but makes it look romantic and feminine, which is where the eyebrows come in, they are very dark and look more natural.

I like the whole aspect of it, because it stands out and looks elegant and i love the whole romantic look, where the hair is messy, but it is very curly, not naturally, but styled in a way that it reminds me of the women of that era, But very china doll like at the same time.

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Vogue 2015 Inspirational photographs from magazine

These are images i have found in various popular fashion magazines, such as Vogue and have put them on here, as i liked them and are a good inspiration for me.

Was based on halloween inspiration, to do with witches and ghosts, but that can be the look of that era of being pale and hair very bright and including being elegant and fashionable. Even witches in films are sometimes betrayed fashionable in a dark way, but unattractive as well at the same time.

And is inspiring and can give me ideas of where to go next or just show what sort of contemporary way of doing things.


The reason i took images of these from the magazine is, because it reminded me of that era, with the plait, white skin, red lip and rouge on cheek bone, but made into a modern fashion photograph.

The way she is positioned and looking straight at the camera, does kind of reseamble the portraits in the 16th century, with no emotion and being serious, But the way she has her hands on her hips, makes me think modern, but with a slight 60s/70s feel to it.

A mirror image of one, i chose it, because i saw the high hairline trying to be done, with red/pink eye shadow on the lids of the eyes, which is like the rouge on the cheek and the lips, but in a different way, which i haven't seen.

I just liked the photograph of how it has been done and the way to is complete modern way of working and how that the reflection can make you see or feel different things.

Various photographs from different people for Vogue throughout the years. I like it,as it shows it up close and the makeup they are wearing, by all looking into a mirror and the mirror being the main focus.

But to me, i think of vanity, when i look at these photographs, of showing woman always looking in the mirror, or being near one. The main thing is that this is more fashion photography, but i liked how they all looked, where they are very feminine.

This was a inspiration as the hair had various accessories added to it, for example;- The flowers, or grips, remind me of what Elizabethan wore in their hair, But the outfit its self is more 20s to me, The way the model is angled, reminds me of a painting, the way she is just there, staring up into the mirror.

I like the whole mirror concept of her in it, showing the front of her in the mirror at that angle and not her really just standing in front of the lens.

Again another photo where a mirror is involved. The dress is bright and stands out, and that reminds me of Elizabeth 1, who loved colour. The next is the inspirational hair, where it is a lovely red, or strawberry blonde. The pose she is in seems child like and seems as though, they want you to relate to it or wonder what they are trying to achieve.

This crimping of the hair is very 70s, which is in fashion at the moment, but in the 16th century it was very similar, which is why i like it, and that again the model is posed like a Elizabethan/renaissance painting.

The other is the makeup, where the eyebrows have been blocked out and that the model has naturally pale skin tone, which brings out the colour of the hair. This is good interpretation, even if it isn't trying to be.

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But i have got the November 2015 issue, when it hasn't been shown on their website yet, but you can buy in most shops.

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