Tuesday 3 November 2015

My back story of my character and design

Elizabeth Brydges was born in 1574 and was the daughter to Giles Brydges. When she was 14 was made a maid of honor to Queen Elizabethan 1, because of the wealth of her family.

Later in life she married Sir John Kennedy, but there were rumours he was already married, so what she did was get rid of him, because she was angry and wanted to show her authority and that no man can bring her down after this. She became the second most powerful woman other than the queen, so i think the colours she would have would be greens, reds and blacks, as they are a sign of wealth, envy, powerful and showing authority.

She loved the queen and was very loyal, but not to men, she didn't like men very much. When it came to being powerful, i see her as being a soldier type woman, like she is not afraid to do anything and shows that. But what made envious was the women who were marrying and being with someone, made her jealous deep down, because hers was ruined, but the other is wealth, she liked having money, but green is the best way of what she was. The red i think would be good in the clothing, but also the hair, like gems or pearls, that show power, as red does. With the makeup it could be highlighting the face with different tones of red, or even a tribal/soldier type design with any of the colours i have looked at.

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