Sunday 13 December 2015

Timed Assessment

I graded Julia Lange B1-B3

Me as a designer reviewing the Makeup artist.

My partner was professional and done well in showing me the look she wanted with step by step notes and a face chart telling me the exact things to use, and this was good because it shows good communication skills and when recreating the look I think that my partner showed her skills in applying the makeup and when visualising what it would look like. My partner really thought about how she would approach the design and even used the initiative when couldn’t quite see what I wanted to achieve.
When approaching the project I think that my partner has gone about it professionally and has great potential as a makeup artist and used a lot of thought it my design of changing a few things with it that made it look better and if was a paid job she has gone about it very good. I was really happy with the application of the base and the timing of how she applied it and the she explained what she was doing every time she done it.
When it came to the assessment she was confident in the appliance and didn’t ask me what to do next I she had the step by step taped up on the mirror and had the space layed out for the tools needed.What I think that could be improved is the overall practice of the design, which I think would have helped more to really know what to do and that is a self criticism as well as I needed to practice hers to, to really be more confident and know exactly how I will do it.

Partner as designer assessing me as a makeup artist.

I graded Chloe Bourne D1-D3. I think Chloe achieves basic competence in all the required specialised practical, technical and creative skills, with little awareness of professional contexts and expectations because she can carry out a basic application however her work station is unorganised and that can lead to cross contamination. I feel she also needs to improve her communication skills when addressing the model. She could move up a band if she reviewed health and safety and applied it to her practice. She can communicate in an adequate way in most contexts, with some mistakes/irrelevances; work demonstrates adequate independence in addressing given objectives and taking some responsibility for outcomes; frequently relying on support/direction form others. My partner has produced help sheets for her design after I had asked her for one. Yet again waiting for the request. She could move up a band if she took an active part in the project. Organisation and presentation of work and communications adequate in most contexts, with some mistakes/irrelevances. Limited application of learning to new contexts. Practical solutions, adequately evidenced. My partner often turned up late and sometimes didn’t have the products required for the session. She also occasionally forgot to follow though with application methods. It could easily be turned around if she took technical notes in class and organised extra practice sessions to set the knowledge. I feel like after working with Chloe she could easily make a leap into a lower second if she applied her initiative. She has the drive and passion for what she is doing however needs to give herself more credit and trust her skills.

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