Sunday 13 December 2015


In this project I think that I did well with the research and looking the different types of makeup that the Elizabethan wore and how they did it, but most of all I liked the research for my own design. But when it came to applying the makeup I think what I need to think about is the timing of applying these materials. When it came to making my design I think I needed to think more about how it would look as a final idea, because I think I could have developed it a lot more in terms of how it would be applied.
Working with a brief is good, so then you can work from it and know exactly what you need to achieve, but I don’t like to do that to much, as then some things I might not have finished or I explore to much into it than I should and go in a different direction, Which is what I need to work on for the next time. But it is a good starting point to do this and I think I achieved the Elizabethan design that I wanted.

For my partners design I thought that I needed to practice it more to be more confident, as I was slightly stressed out as I couldn’t quite make it look how my partner wanted it, so I think better communication would have worked and would have had more time to perfect it, but I think I done well as my first ever makeup assessment and thought about the skills that were taught to us.

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