Saturday 12 December 2015

Elizabethan cosmetics

The ingredients in Elizabethan cosmetics that i have found are used by upper class women was Ceruse, which is a mixture of White Lead and Vinegar to apply to the face to whiten it,as a pale complexion was very desire, but it was very poisonous and caused lead poisoning and many women died, as they used it alot.
Other symptoms are hair falling out, teeth rotting and eyes would swell up and be inflamed.

Lipstick was added to the lips, which was made of cochineal and beeswax, but cochineal which was a beetle, which they sometimes used in some cosmetics today and it was to put onto the cheeks was made from mercury sulphide, which is poisonous, because it is mercury. Madder  root was also used to acheive this as a  ingredient.

For eyes they would use eyeshadow that was made from ground mother of pearls.

During this time this women did not bathe regulary,  thought it weakened them and some people were scared of water, so instead of they used perfume that was made from rhubarb elixir and molasses water to cover their bad odour.

Madder root

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