Monday 14 December 2015



Times of Tudors. 2013. The Ideal Beauty.UK.(2015)

WomenHygiene. ScoopOnHygiene. UK (2015)

Lipscomb.S.2011.Elizabethan Makeup (2015)


Alchin.L. Sixwives.2014.Tudor Makeup.(2015)

Johnson.B. Hoocher.Elizabeth Tudor (2015)


Turbeville.D. Fashion Pictures. (2015)

Letts.M.R. 1981.The Renaissance.(2015)

Morris.Rae.Makeup the ultimate guide. (2015)

Valdesolo.F.2008. Pretty Nylon. (2015) Pages 105-125

Lindy,W.War Paint.(2015)

The makeup book.2004.(2015) Pages 154

Makeup is Art. (2015) Pages 105, 99, 109

Mason. L. 2008. Eye Candy. USA (2015) Pages 147, 111

Camphausen,C.R. 1997. Return of the Tribal. (2015)


Vogue.2015. UK (2015)

Technical file Sign off

Sunday 13 December 2015

Timed Assessment

I graded Julia Lange B1-B3

Me as a designer reviewing the Makeup artist.

My partner was professional and done well in showing me the look she wanted with step by step notes and a face chart telling me the exact things to use, and this was good because it shows good communication skills and when recreating the look I think that my partner showed her skills in applying the makeup and when visualising what it would look like. My partner really thought about how she would approach the design and even used the initiative when couldn’t quite see what I wanted to achieve.
When approaching the project I think that my partner has gone about it professionally and has great potential as a makeup artist and used a lot of thought it my design of changing a few things with it that made it look better and if was a paid job she has gone about it very good. I was really happy with the application of the base and the timing of how she applied it and the she explained what she was doing every time she done it.
When it came to the assessment she was confident in the appliance and didn’t ask me what to do next I she had the step by step taped up on the mirror and had the space layed out for the tools needed.What I think that could be improved is the overall practice of the design, which I think would have helped more to really know what to do and that is a self criticism as well as I needed to practice hers to, to really be more confident and know exactly how I will do it.

Partner as designer assessing me as a makeup artist.

I graded Chloe Bourne D1-D3. I think Chloe achieves basic competence in all the required specialised practical, technical and creative skills, with little awareness of professional contexts and expectations because she can carry out a basic application however her work station is unorganised and that can lead to cross contamination. I feel she also needs to improve her communication skills when addressing the model. She could move up a band if she reviewed health and safety and applied it to her practice. She can communicate in an adequate way in most contexts, with some mistakes/irrelevances; work demonstrates adequate independence in addressing given objectives and taking some responsibility for outcomes; frequently relying on support/direction form others. My partner has produced help sheets for her design after I had asked her for one. Yet again waiting for the request. She could move up a band if she took an active part in the project. Organisation and presentation of work and communications adequate in most contexts, with some mistakes/irrelevances. Limited application of learning to new contexts. Practical solutions, adequately evidenced. My partner often turned up late and sometimes didn’t have the products required for the session. She also occasionally forgot to follow though with application methods. It could easily be turned around if she took technical notes in class and organised extra practice sessions to set the knowledge. I feel like after working with Chloe she could easily make a leap into a lower second if she applied her initiative. She has the drive and passion for what she is doing however needs to give herself more credit and trust her skills.


In this project I think that I did well with the research and looking the different types of makeup that the Elizabethan wore and how they did it, but most of all I liked the research for my own design. But when it came to applying the makeup I think what I need to think about is the timing of applying these materials. When it came to making my design I think I needed to think more about how it would look as a final idea, because I think I could have developed it a lot more in terms of how it would be applied.
Working with a brief is good, so then you can work from it and know exactly what you need to achieve, but I don’t like to do that to much, as then some things I might not have finished or I explore to much into it than I should and go in a different direction, Which is what I need to work on for the next time. But it is a good starting point to do this and I think I achieved the Elizabethan design that I wanted.

For my partners design I thought that I needed to practice it more to be more confident, as I was slightly stressed out as I couldn’t quite make it look how my partner wanted it, so I think better communication would have worked and would have had more time to perfect it, but I think I done well as my first ever makeup assessment and thought about the skills that were taught to us.

Saturday 12 December 2015

More imagery of inspiration of what i want to design

black & gold: The reason i chose this design is because it shows the black eyeshadow like my design and wanted to show how i was inspired by these types of designs, were it was blended towards the edge of the face, the gold reminds me of the golden age in the Elizabethan era, and i think the black with the gold works, but remind me also of a mask over the eyes.

Where Professional Models Meet Model Photographers - ModelMayhem: I really like the colour of the green and how it is crumbling off and shows my inspiration of my design of the makeup slowly coming off, which is why i wanted to included it as my character was wealthy and it slowly started to come off as the queen became ill and was going to die.

My makeup idea Research

green: I thought about whether i should do the lips or not, but i don't, as it might be to over the top,if the make up is going to be.

Im looking at crumbling and make up dripping down the face, then i found this of a statue, but i like it, because of the cracking of the paint, but also is green and i have incorporated that into my design. I want to experiment more with it and see what it will do.

cracked skin Dark Shadows: Just thinking about more cracked skin on this one, i want to try out and need to find out the best way to do that and not copy this. I like how it is so natural, but realistic as well.

green: I could look at more textures and what they could inspire of what texture i want the product to look like.

all systems go sun hasn’t died. deep in my bones straight from inside. | Flickr - Photo Sharing!: I like this with the ink or makeup running down her face, with it is coming off, which is where i got my inspiration from of the makeup looking like it is slowly coming off. I also like how it is so simple and doesnt have much on it, but is still interesting with how it is placed.

"If you have any flaws we haven't noticed them" by Ruby James on flickr // This is the same sort of thing and shows the makeup to be thrown or brushed on to the model to create it and i like how it is crumbling off and fading at the neck which is what i want and the colour makes it stand out to against her skin tone.

golden eyes: I chose this because of it crumbling off the face and the gold makes it stand out, which is a good colour to use for wealth and how it could slowly come off, which is the inspiration of my character, because as the queen is going to die, she is worried she is going to lose everything and which is why i thought was a good idea to create that look with it fading as it gets done the neck, but on this it is just the face and i would use green instead of the bottom half of the face down to the neck, because to me reminds me of the colour of money and my character had it and liked it.

Elizabethan cosmetics

The ingredients in Elizabethan cosmetics that i have found are used by upper class women was Ceruse, which is a mixture of White Lead and Vinegar to apply to the face to whiten it,as a pale complexion was very desire, but it was very poisonous and caused lead poisoning and many women died, as they used it alot.
Other symptoms are hair falling out, teeth rotting and eyes would swell up and be inflamed.

Lipstick was added to the lips, which was made of cochineal and beeswax, but cochineal which was a beetle, which they sometimes used in some cosmetics today and it was to put onto the cheeks was made from mercury sulphide, which is poisonous, because it is mercury. Madder  root was also used to acheive this as a  ingredient.

For eyes they would use eyeshadow that was made from ground mother of pearls.

During this time this women did not bathe regulary,  thought it weakened them and some people were scared of water, so instead of they used perfume that was made from rhubarb elixir and molasses water to cover their bad odour.

Madder root